
“Timely, effective and practical conflict resolution strategies for employees experiencing dispute in their workplace”


At WISE Workplace we have accredited and experienced Workplace Mediators that work with clients to develop effective and practical workplace agreements wherever conflict, disagreement, or tension exists.

WISE Workplace offers;

  • Mediation and conflict resolution services
  • Restorative Conferencing
  • Coaching and training for HR professionals in mediation and conflict management

Mediation & Conflict Resolution

Once a workplace complaint has been investigated and closed, the process of restoring workplace relationships commences. Mediation and conflict resolution are essential management tools, to reduce the likelihood of escalations or recurrences of disputes, complaints or conflict in your organisation. Without an effective mediation process, organisations run the risk of employee conflicts continuing to cause distress, harm, disruption and expense.

At WISE we adopt a solution-focused philosophy focused on identifying the systemic issues underlying workplace conflicts and disputes. We work with you to ensure agreements can be reached between the parties that are pragmatic, effective and durable.


Our Mediators work closely with you throughout the mediation process, providing updates and advice and where requested, they will provide a mediation report with recommendations.


Restorative Conferencing

“Leaders in innovative post investigative services that support clients to integrate employees back into their workplaces”

WISE Workplace offers restorative conferencing to support employees that have been involved in an investigation process.

Restorative Conferencing:

  • Reduces the possibiltyofpost-mediation complexity and uncertainty in the workplace; and
  • Increases the confidence and psychological safety of all parties involved.

Workplaces often re-integrate complainants and employees subject to allegations back into the workplace with little preparation or planning. This approach can leave both parties, as well as supervisors or  managers feeling anxious and uncertain about professional relationshipsmoving forward.


Our experienced mediators and convenors work with employees and managers in a supportive and safe environment to assess the suitability ofa restorative process. If a restorative process is suitable in the circumstances, we meet with affected employees to explore what has happened, who has been affected and what can be done to repair relationships moving forward.


Our Mediators and Convenors work closely with you throughout the process, providing updates and advice and where appropriate, reports on the outcomes and agreements reached.


Mentoring and Coaching

At WISE Workplace our expert Mediators and Coaches provide mentoring and professional development to employees, managers, executive leaders and HR advisors. We adopt a strength-based and solution-focused framework to effectively support professional growth.


We deliver group and individual mentoring to;

  • Executive / Senior Leadership
  • HR Managers and Advisors
  • Team Leaders and Line Managers
  • Employees

Our Coaches utilise the latest in neuroscience leadership and emotional intelligence applications to support employees to:

  • Overcome barriers in their communication
  • Develop adaptive leadership skills
  • Work through triggers or emotional responses that may be holding them back professionally,or affecting their personal brand in the workplace.

Our coaches can work with employees one on one or in groups and we provide clients with progress reports and recommendations.


For more information about how your workplace could benefit from WISE Workplace Mediation, Restorative Conferencing or Mentoring services, please call us on 1300 580 685 or email [email protected].