This policy statement covers all employees and subcontractors of WISE Workplace.

- All information, documents and personal details received by WISE Workplace through the course of its work are to be treated in confidence and are not to be divulged to any other parties.
- Personal details of parties to an inquiry or investigation are not to be divulged to any other parties during the course of an investigation or thereafter.
- Documents created in the course of an inquiry or investigation on behalf of a client of WISE Workplace are to collated at the end of the contract for a principal to determine the most appropriate method of storage or disposal.
- All records (documentary, computer or audio and videotapes) are archived for storage following an inquiry or investigation and stored in a secure location.
- Subcontractors who require to keep their own records of inquires or investigations are required to inform WISE Workplace of the existence and nature of such records and arrangements for the security of those records.
- All contractors are required to ensure the security of their computer systems and dispose of any written material that is not required for storage, securely (shredded).