
Our investigations services can be tailored to meet your specific needs.

Where a fully outsourced service investigation is not required WISE Workplace investigators can provide support services to meet your budget, including:

  • Phone advice
  • Conduct interviews (face-to-face or remotely)
  • Review or analyse documentation
  • Support in-house investigators

A supported investigation allows you to build your organisations skills and expertise in handling complaints and conducting workplace misconduct investigations.

We can support your investigators with advice and guidance to ensure that your investigation is conducted appropriately, fairly and objectively to support decision making and meet the specific internal policies and guidelines.

A senior WISE Workplace investigator will be specifically assigned to work with, and support you, as you conduct your own internal investigation into a matter. The investigator will be available to answer your questions, review paperwork and provide expert advice in relation to procedural fairness, evidence gathering, findings, recommendations and report writing.


Contact WISE now for more information on 1300 580 685