The Australian Human Rights Commission report of the National Inquiry into Sexual Harassment in Australian Workplaces (available at notes:
“Sexual harassment is not a women’s issue: it is a societal issue, which every Australian, and every Australian workplace, can contribute to addressing. Workplace sexual harassment is not inevitable. It is not acceptable. It is preventable… Ultimately, a safe and harassment-free workplace is also a productive workplace.”
Conducting a workplace investigation into allegations of sexual harassment can be difficult and confronting. Many of our investigators are former police officers, well experienced in conducting complex investigations and interviewing victims and witnesses. We respect the rights of complainants to speak with our investigators with a support person, at a time and place of their choosing.
Sexual Assault in the workplace
Sexual assault is a serious crime that can impact anybody. Although women are primarily the victims of sexual assault, men and transgender people can also be victims. Sexual assault is never the fault of the victim
All Australian Police jurisdictions understand that reporting sexual assault can be distressing and traumatic. However, not all people want the incident to be formally investigated. In most States and Territories, a victim of an alleged sexual assault can make an “Information Report” to police for recording purposes only – police will not investigate the incident, but may use the information for intelligence purposes. It is also up to the victim to decide if they would like their case to progress through the court later, as a criminal investigation will not commence without the consent of the victim.
WISE Workplace investigators can investigate allegations of a sexual nature in the workplace, however, in matters of sexual assault, we encourage victims and witnesses to report these allegations to the police. While WISE Workplace investigators are extremely experienced, police forces have specialised teams dedicated to investigating sexual assault commitment against adults and can organise extra support including medical care and counseling for victims, using a range of government and non-government agencies.
For more information about how WISE Workplace can assist you with investigations, training, or a review of your current sexual harassment policies, procedures, or practices., please call us on 1300 580 685 or email [email protected]