
WISE Workplace has extensive experience leading complex investigations in the health and clinical services sector, particularly related to critical incidents, adverse clinical events, and unplanned patient outcomes. Our clients include various State Health Departments and Ambulance Services, as well as other health and clinic service providers.

WISE Workplace is also experienced in conducting investigations related to bullying, harassment, or misconduct within a health care or clinical context.


WISE Workplace offers a range of investigation services tailored to the health and clinical sector, including:

  • investigationsinto clinical matters, critical incidents, complaints, and allegations
  • in-depth case reviews of completed workplace investigations to provide peer review, secondary consultation, and validate findings
  • root cause analysis to identify factors that directly or indirectly contributed to the cause of adverse events and/or identify systemic failures and process gaps

As a national provider, WISE Workplace has investigators who are experienced in Federal and State based clinical and care standards and frameworks and can provide constructive and considered recommendations to businesses and organisations at the conclusion of the investigatory process.


For more information about how WISE Workplace can support your organisation with health and clinical service investigations, please call us on 1300 580 685 or email [email protected]