For over 25 years, Lee Shepherd, MBA, BPol (Inv), ACFE, has been a noteworthy leader in the investigations space. He is known for his work as the State Operations Manager with the QLD Police Service, but Lee can also be credited with contributions to QLD Department of Housing and Public Works, QLD Rail and QLD University of Technology. With specialist policy compliance and investigations experience, Lee’s skillset is applied to great effect in his role as WISE Workplace’s QLD State Manager.
Employees can at times be reluctant to make complaints or ‘blow the whistle’ due to fear of adverse action, retaliation, or damage to career progression. Technology can help boost employee perceptions of the integrity and safety of your organisations complaints and whistleblower policy.
The psychological well-being of every employee is important in the work environment. Employees who experience adverse mental health at work will often be unhappy and unfocused, lose sleep, experience more stress and face additional health risks. Research reveals that 50% of employees took between 1-2 weeks off work during an investigation because of anxiety, depression,…
Flexibility has become increasingly important for employers and employees across Australia. It is a work agreement to change the standard working arrangement to better accommodate an employee’s commitments out of the workplace environment. The arrangements generally cover changes to work hours, and has over the years improved how employees manage competing life priorities. The National…
Workplace bullying and harassment are ongoing issues for employers in Australia. The economic impact of workplace bullying and sexual harassment on individuals and organisational outcomes is evident with increases in mental stress compensation claims and changes in legislation and codes of practice that highlights the critical influence bullying and harassment have over worker health and…