Melbourne – limited vacancies available for our June public training course.
Melbourne 2nd June 2021
One of the most critical skills required by HR professionals in Australia today is the ability to undertake effective, quality and procedurally appropriate investigations into workplace misconduct.
WISE Workplace’s foundation training program Investigating Workplace Misconduct (IWM) provides participants with the essential knowledge and practice skills to lead or participate in the investigatory process.
This one-day workshop focuses on the investigatory processes required to effectively asses complaints, interview relevant stakeholders, gather evidence and make critical decisions that effect employees. Industry case studies which highlight current case law, industrial legislation, and the latest research on investigation methods, including interviewing techniques and the accessibility of digital information are just some of the features of this course.
For information about this invaluable course click the link below or contact our team on 1300 580 685 or [email protected]
#WISEWorkplace #ProfessionalDevelopment #Training #HumanResources #Investigation #Misconduct #Allegation #Complaint #HumanResources #WorkplaceInvestigation #Melbourne #Victoria